Wolf Photo in Lansing, Leavenworth County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Lansing, Leavenworth County, Kansas
25.00 $


This is one of multiple paintings/photos that I acquired from a house sale. I am no expert on paintings and photos such as the types of oils and papers used to create their images. I will do my best to take photos of the paintings/photos and locate any possible imperfections or damages and post them on the listings. The paintings/photos will be sold as is. The painting/photo description is listed below.

Description: Wolf Photo
Type: Photo
Dimensions: 20 in. x 20 in.

Due to the coronavirus situation and the City of Lansing, County of Leavenworth, and the State of Kansas implementing stay-at-home procedures, I am willing to discuss with potential buyers about future arrangements for sales. However, I will only carryout the agreed upon sale meeting after the city, county, or state issues an all-clear notice for normal activities to resume. Thank you for your understanding.

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Views 115
Listing id 253347
Post date April 2, 2020 6:26 PM
Result 0 votes
John Polk
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