Wedding decor in Utica , Seward, Nebraska

Miscellaneous Utica , Seward, Nebraska
3.00 $


I have many wedding things for sale. I have 40 glitter vases with colored ribbons $1 each or $30 for all 40 of them. They are various sizes of vases. Glitter is stuck on but ribbons can be removed. I also have a gifts sign available $5.00. I have 12 champagne glasses of one style and 6 of another style. (All are glass) I also have strings of clear/white lights. 75ft (300 lights) per box and we are asking $3 per box. The lights were never even used! I have one bridal hanger available for $3 and two card boxes $3 each. Last but not least I have 12 pew/aisle silver bows with a flower on each. ($5 for the set) There are 2 pink, 2 orange, 2 yellow, 2 lime, 2 light blue, and 2 purple. Text if you are interested in seeing in person. (4023669729) Cash offers only!

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Listing id 18127
Post date October 18, 2015 10:03 AM
Result 0 votes
Danae Soliz
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