Underwood Typewriter in Warren County, New Jersey

Miscellaneous Flemington, Warren County, New Jersey


This is a 1927 Underwood typewriter. The condition is not perfect due to its age, it is presently not in working order. However, the paint is pretty good, the keys are all intact, and it looks good as is to be displayed as a decor piece. Alternately, it can be restored to working order or used for parts, or pieces of it can be used to make art items. I am asking $40, but I am open to offers. Text me at 908-200-6153 for details. It has been in storage indoors, in a no smoking and no pets home.

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Views 69
Listing id 177756
Post date January 14, 2019 2:02 PM
Last edit January 29, 2019 3:04 PM
Result 0 votes
Timothy Hallinger
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