Two all aluminum 46 inch 4-tube fluorescent grow lights in Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois

Miscellaneous Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois
75.00 $


I have two of these grow lights for sale.
they are all aluminum, 46 x 12.5 x 4 inches
they have 4-T5, 54watt 6500K tubes
the fixture has 2 switches so that you can run two or four lights
there is a grounded outlet so you can daisy chain these lights
the lights have a heavy duty 8-foot cord
they are rated for dry or damp locations.
I paid $125 each for these grow lights 2 years ago and am asking $75
each for them or $130 for both lights.

Text me at 319-572-7628

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Views 118
Listing id 54747
Post date March 8, 2018 1:46 PM
Last edit March 9, 2018 7:28 AM
Result 0 votes
John Molter
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