Trailer Brake Controller in AIKEN, Aiken County, South Carolina

Miscellaneous Aiken, AIKEN, Aiken County, South Carolina
75.00 $


An electric trailer brake controller is a device that installs in the cab of your tow vehicle and activates your trailer's electric brakes when you hit the brakes in your tow vehicle.

A time-delayed brake controller activates the trailer's brakes with a preset intensity (power output) and rate of application (sync), both of which are determined by you. With this type of controller, there is a delay between the time that you initially apply the brakes in your tow vehicle and the time that the controller reaches maximum power output to the trailer's brakes. However, this delay can be adjusted with the sync setting.

Works and looks perfect. Our new truck came with its own. Easy-to-install bracket and cable included.

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Listing id 40391
Post date July 16, 2017 6:17 AM
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Raquel Tucker
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