Thule roof top ski/snowboard carrier in Ripley, Jackson, West Virginia

Miscellaneous Ripley, Jackson, West Virginia


For Sale: The most popular roof top car/truck top carrier made today. Used only once!! Thule Evolution 1600XT Aerodynamic Carrier! 16 cubic feet of safe storage space for skis, camping gear, vacation supplies. Also includes universal cross members that lock onto your existing roof rack to add additional protection against theft of carrier. Bought new from Sears this past spring for $450 plus I spent $100 for the universal locking cross bars. I bought a truck to tow my boat so I no long-er need the additional storage space. This is waterproof!!!

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Listing id 1152
Post date December 17, 2014 8:07 PM
Result 0 votes
Ed Calhoun
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