storage building/garage sale stuff in petal, Forrest, Mississippi

Miscellaneous 601 408 6858, petal, Forrest, Mississippi


I have a storage building full of various things I need to sell to get rid of storage bill each month. You can make me offaer on all of it r buy individual things .
I have a oak n iron I call stereo stand & a oak n iron enterainment center for flat screen tv, 2 big oak stereo speakers that will blast u away . Dishes, clothes from men to babies all sizes , white iron head n footboard with pocelion balls around with painted flowers on them , computer stuff external cd burner , keypads, speakers, miccrophones, etc.
Computer desk in great shape, oak kitchen table paid 899.00 with two ft leaf. Chainsaw, weedeater industrial, just so much to list. U can make bid on whole storage r buy By the pieces individual needs to go real soon to good of stuff to throw away

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Listing id 2445
Post date February 17, 2015 4:25 PM
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