Standing Stone Unveiling Program, 1896 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania

Miscellaneous Jefferson County, Pennsylvania
20.00 $


Used - Good
A copy of the historical address gven at the unveiling of the Standing Stone monument as part of the centennial celebration of the erection of "Huntingdon on Juniata into a borough." Sept 8, 9, and 10, 1896. Contains a copy of the speech given at the unveiling, pictures of Huntingdon, Lists of the 25 taxables in the assessment of Huntingdon in 1782 and a list of the householders in 1796 and much more. I would say the condition is Very Good, but that is not an option in the listing. Great piece of history that will be 125 years old this September! Will ship.

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Listing id 270953
Post date July 15, 2021 10:26 AM
Result 0 votes
Cindy Corbin Emhoff
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