"Purrfectly Pampered" Queen of Kitties in Warden, Grant, Washington

Miscellaneous By Big City Park, Warden, Grant, Washington
25.00 $


From Lori Seibert's Princess Perrfect collection is this colorful and detailed cookie jar. Nearly impossible to find (in fact I couldn't!). "Purrfectly Pampered" is 11-inches tall setting on a 9-inch base. Considered NOS as this just sat boxed-up in a seldom-opened closet purring away for a number of years and was NEVER put into use. Once sold under the Westland Giftware label as Item No. 11418, it is no longer listed. This way-beyond calico cat is in Purrfect condition with no chips, blemishes or scratches in the glazing. Furnished in original box.

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Listing id 12054
Post date August 6, 2015 1:12 PM
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Virginia Lowder
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