Piano, Great Christmas Gift. Otto Meister Piano and 6 months free lessons. in South Amherst, Lorain County, Ohio

Miscellaneous South Amherst, South Amherst, Lorain County, Ohio


This is a beautiful black lacquer piano upright grand piano., Excellent sound, Mint condition. Only one owner, and was used in my home studio. Piano is approximately 8 years old. I am a private piano teacher in South Amherst and I am selling this piano along with 6 months of free piano lessons. The value of the lessons $360 dollars, 4 1/2 lessons per month for 6 months. Fantastic Value. Great gift for the aspiring musician. Piano was purchased locally, and I am upgrading to a baby grand. Phone 440 986-2530

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Listing id 114224
Post date November 15, 2018 12:33 PM
Result 0 votes
Barbara Sangiacomo
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