Paul McCartney Tickets for Sale in Stockbridge, Henry County, Georgia

Miscellaneous Near Eagles Landing Parkway, Stockbridge, Henry County, Georgia


Due to circumstances beyond my control I will not be able to attend the concert I had my heart set on.
I have two tickets for July 13th at the Infinite Energy Center. The seats are in section 104, Row N, seats 9 & 10. Asking the price I paid: $350 for two. Took five hours to go buy them a couple of weeks ago due to the bridge being out and I was SO excited and now I am so sad. :-(
PLEASE CALL ELOISE AT: 770-313-0300. They will be sold first come, first serve.

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Listing id 34559
Post date May 17, 2017 10:03 PM
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Eloise Earlene
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