Palisade Colorado Peaches in Pratt, Pratt County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Pratt, Pratt County, Kansas


Thomas/Vahsholtz Colorado Peaches. We have Fresh Tree Ripened peaches from Palisade, Colorado coming to Pratt on Friday, August 4th. We will be at the Dollar General Store in Pratt until the peaches are gone. We are selling the #2 peaches for $35 a box (approximately 20-23lb boxes) and the #1 peaches for $45 a box. They are approximately 25 lb boxes. Half boxes will be sold for $23. Thank you to all of our loyal customers and our new customers. We appreciate your business.

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Views 132
Listing id 64514
Post date July 30, 2018 11:13 PM
Result 0 votes
Carrie Vahsholtz
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