O Gauge Lionel Trains from 1950’s and 1960’s in Coupeville, Island County, Washington

Miscellaneous Coupeville, Island County, Washington
100.00 $


3 locomotives, trolly car, 9 pieces of rolling stock, inner and outer track with siding layout on a 4x8 piece of plywood, two transformers including a classic Type R 100 Watt Trainmaster transformer. The 1950’s #204 steamer needs new brushes, does not smoke anymore (if it ever did), the headlight did work the last time it was run. The coal car doesn’t whistle anymore and the log car is missing two of the vertical stops, however the dumper car worked correctly the last time it was run. The 1960’s plastic locos and rolling stock work and the satellite launcher car works but is missing the radar dish. The trolley car runs and reverses direction and the interior light worked when last run. There are even two original Lionel Trains boxes. $100 obo.

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Listing id 279250
Post date July 26, 2022 1:06 AM
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Rich Melaas
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