Non GMO Eggs in Lawrence/Baldwin City, Douglas County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Lawrence/Baldwin City, Douglas County, Kansas
3.75 $


I have recently expanded my flock of hens and now have eggs for sale.

My hens are free range. They are guarded day and night by a wonderful dog who keeps us up all night barking away raccoons and possum. But it's worth it. The hens are safe and they know it.

Instead of chicken tractors or coops or runs, these girls have access to fenced pasture. The eggs show the yolks. Rich taste. The hens are fed local non GMO feed I buy from a local farm.

You are welcome to come my little paradise anytime to see where your eggs are coming from. If you need to deal with are welcome to just sit with them! They are great company and bring a calm that you can carry back home with you.

I will deliver eggs to Lawrence (east of Wakarusa):

2 dozen.....$4.50 each
3 dozen.....$4.25 each
4 dozen.....$4.00 each
5 dozen.....$3.75 each

Maybe you have a friend or neighbor who wants to eat really good eggs too?

I look forward to hearing from you

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Views 70
Listing id 50014
Post date November 3, 2017 2:10 PM
Last edit November 3, 2017 2:31 PM
Result 0 votes
Nancy Boyda
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