Mobility scooter by Drive in Wake Forest, Franklin County, North Carolina

Miscellaneous Wake Forest, Wake Forest, Franklin County, North Carolina
975.00 $


The Maverick mobility scooter has motorcycle inspired styling with a captain’s seat, large headlight, 19.5” high performance wheels, 400 pound capacity, 1300 watt motor with top speed over 9.5 mph and a 30+ mile range.

Scooter is six years old and in excellent condition. It was comprehensively overhauled in summer 2021. It has two group 24 batteries (retailing at $600/ pair) which were replaced at that time.

It is being sold because there is a glitch that sporadically stops operation, probably attributable to a fault in the wiring. The seller is not able to work with it, and the new owner must understand that this is something which will need to be fixed. The Maverick retails around $4590. Asking $975. Located in Wake Forest and must be picked up.

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Post date September 16, 2022 7:40 AM
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