Looking for car to rent or buy in WAYNESVILLE, Haywood, North Carolina

Miscellaneous WAYNESVILLE, Haywood, North Carolina
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I'm a single mother of 2. My 4 year old has a genetic heart defect and kidney problems. My car was stolen with only liability insurance and we have not been able to recover from that loss. I do not have a big down payment, but I can afford to make weekly payments of around 100 to 150. My daughter has several doctors appointments a month and I'm new to the area so I don't have anyone that can take us up here. I have an immaculate driving record. No accidents, not even a seat belt ticket ever. If anyone has an extra car they would be willing to rent out, or sell on a payment plan that would be truly and literally a life saver. I also do transmission work so I would be able to fix a vehicle with transmission issues maybe repairs as a trade or something like that? Please email me for a phone number. [email protected] Thank you and God bless.

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Views 53
Listing id 13576
Post date August 22, 2015 10:59 AM
Last edit August 22, 2015 11:01 AM
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