Kegerator with Taps and complete home brew system. in Gulf Breeze, Santa Rosa County, Florida

Miscellaneous Gulf Breeze, Santa Rosa County, Florida


Need a new hobby? Stuck indoors? A complete home brewing system. Everything is here for a home brewer - A 56 cu ft Insignia 2 Tap Kegerator, 3 x 5 gallon Soda Kegs, a full Co2 tank, Co2 manifold and lines, 3x 5 gallon big mouth Carboys, brew kettle strainer, racking tubes and assorted brewing parts and equipment. 2 brewing recipe and instruction books. Start home brewing the right way! Kegging is much faster and easier than bottling.

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Listing id 260859
Post date September 11, 2020 1:50 PM
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