JVC In-Dash 6.1" touchscreen monitor. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! in denton, Denton, Texas

Miscellaneous denton, Denton, Texas
150.00 $


Text me for pics bc for some reason ot wont let me upload them on here. -_-
Badass,and super clean. Don't miss out. Originally almost $400.

I have a Jvc Indash( kw-avx649 ) 
6.1" touchscreen monitor that has a detachable face.

My dad just got a new screen so he Gave me this to get rid of and said I could keep the money, sooo.

You can customize it however you want it. You can change the color of buttons and knobs, as well as pick ur own background/wallpaper.
It has a USB input, and aux port. 
Hands free calling
Satellite radio
DVD receiver w FM/AM tuner built in MOSFET Amp. (20 watt RMS cea-2006/50 peak x 4 channels) 
Plays DVD'S, DVDR, DVDRW, CDS, CDR, CDRW, MPB, and WMA files. 
Also compatible w most factory steering wheel audio controls.

Feel free to text me anytime. 940-249-5357
My name is Jayy. No low blows please. This was very expensive ($400 originally) and really want $150 for it. 


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Listing id 23328
Post date December 25, 2015 2:27 AM
Last edit December 25, 2015 2:31 AM
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