Jamberry Cyber Monday Sale in Bruceton, Carroll, Tennessee

Miscellaneous Bruceton, Carroll, Tennessee
60.00 $


Happy Cyber Monday! Here are some of the deals going on today! You still have the chance to grab some retired Sister Style wraps and take advantage of our Cyber Monday sale of getting 6 wraps for $60!! (Choose 5 wraps of your choice and then you'll also receive the beautiful Drift Away wrap for free!) Get those fingers ready for the Christmas season!! <3

(One sheet of wraps does 2 manis and 2 pedis! So for $60 you'll get 12 manis and 12 pedis!)


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Views 138
Listing id 21408
Post date November 30, 2015 9:39 AM
Result 0 votes
Jessica Pettit
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