NEW PHOTOS & ITEMS ADDED EVERY WEEK: "Please note" Not all things in this sale are $1. We have too many items to photo (1) at a time and put prices on every one of the over 250 items. Lots of Chairs, 5ft. & 6ft. fixed leg tables, Computer desks, Drafting style tables, Artist tilt tables, dressers, 6ft. & 8ft. wood folding tables, Electronics, Fabric, metal and wood desks, Couches, wood benches, Vacuums, Air Conditioner, Theater costumes & sets & flats, bumper pool & cabinets, office chairs, folding chairs, Rocking Chair, Decorations , nic-nacs, glassware, white boards, pin boards, crafts , chalk boards and much much more.
BY APPT. ONLY!! We follow COVID_19 CDC & NYS guidelines.
25 min appointments available.
Limited to (2 to 4) people at one time.
call for appt. 716-251-2212 or 716-282-7530 ext. 106
PLEASE SHARE this post with friends & Family, we are a non-profit trying to clean-up some things from storage rooms. Thank you