House For Sale by Owner in New Albany, Union County, Mississippi

Miscellaneous Dean Robbins Subdivision, New Albany, Union County, Mississippi
230.00 $


We are Don and Clara Richardson. We are selling our beautiful house at 407 Bristol Ave, New Albany, MS. to be near our children and grandchildren in Alabama. It is a wonderful house situated on a choice corner lot in the best, safest subdivision and the best neighbors on the planet. A Total of 2876 heated Sq. Ft. Two complete houses under one roof. The second 900 Sq. Ft. house was added to accommodate elderly parents - A wonderful Mother In Law Suit. It has a walk in/sit down shower bath. A lockable door separates the two houses. A Total of six bedrooms, three and one half full baths. Beautiful vaulted ceiling in family room. New roof, new hardwood floor. The 900 Sq. Ft. house is carpeted. Central heat and air with a gas-log fireplace. Large Back patio with partial fenced in backyard. A twelve to fifteen person, above ground concrete and steel Storm Shelter. Security features include a Street Light in the back yard. In addition to a two-car garage, two car carports on each end of the house. This is the perfect house for just the right family.
Phone: 662.316.2878 Email: [email protected]

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Listing id 44224
Post date August 22, 2017 11:29 AM
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Don Richardson
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