Horse Training/riding lessons in DERBY, Sedgwick, Kansas

Miscellaneous Derby, DERBY, Sedgwick, Kansas
30.00 $


I have been riding horses since before I could walk. I have helped children as well as adults / and handicapped people, to love and enjoy the world of horses! These are a few of the things I can teach or train:
*Beginner riding,western/English *Advanced riding in western
*Western Pleasure/Halter/Showmanship, even Bareback riding!
*Barrel Racing/Pole Bending/Kegs/Flags/Straight Barrels, many fast events in Fun Shows and KWHA shows
I love training horses to be the horse you want. Many people buy horses and when you get them home they are not the horse you bought, now you don't know what to do. Well I can help with that! I can help with a disrespectful horse and show you how to maintain a peaceful, enjoyable time, every time, you are with your horse.
*Colt starting/imprinting *First ride/respect training/ confidence building for you and your horse.
Kid Proofing/bomb proofing, and just having a more confident horse and rider, to enjoy riding wherever you go.
*Give some exercise to horses wasting time eating. Regular exercise for horses that need to be ready for those once or twice a yr trail rides. Grooming to win.
One of my favorite things to do is teaching children! I have given riding lessons to several ages of kids, and its so rewarding! I love to see the Joy in a child's eyes when THEY can take the reins on that huge horse and make him go where they want! It's awesome.
My experiences, include KWHA since I was 5. Competing in Western Pleasure, barrels, Poles, Flags, Kegs, Straight Barrels, Key Hole, Barrel and Stake, Raining, several team events, ect. Rodeo since I was 13, including winning a Rodeo Princess Contest in Colorado at the Age of 14.
Rodeo Queen In Kansas at 30.Belonged to Women s Professional Rodeo in Colorado, during high school.
Exercised Racehorses, Started several colts, for trail-riding, racing, or just being a great companion to their owner.
My Prices are negotiable depending on the job. I have 5 days a week available, and some weekends, but during the summer I am teaching my niece and taking her to funshows. I would love to have parents who would like for me to help their kids with learning these events, to go to the same shows and then you could learn where to go and what to do to give your kids the dream of riding horses.
You can contact me at [email protected]
Thank you, and happy trails! Penny Landis

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Listing id 6282
Post date May 24, 2015 9:48 AM
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Penny Landis
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