Horse Heads - Solid Concrete in Dane, Wisconsin

Miscellaneous Madison, Dane, Wisconsin
350.00 $


Looking for something that's a little different than the same old thing? You can make these a focal point somewhere in your house, or even outside, that will without a doubt make these a great conversation piece. The best part is you'll be the only one to have them. I used them as a base for a table (you can choose to take the glass if you want it).

They weigh too much to ship so you would have to pick them up. Bring a dolly or a couple of strong men. * solid concrete *

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Views 90
Listing id 13271
Post date August 18, 2015 9:21 PM
Last edit August 20, 2015 6:10 AM
Result 0 votes
Yvonne M Wollemann
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