FREE PAINTING ESTIMATES Exterior, Interior, Decks, Fences, etc.!! in Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

Miscellaneous Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin


My name is Krystal Hakes, and I am the local branch manager for College Works Painting in the Cedarburg area this year. I am a genetics major at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and graduated from West Bend West High School. In my free time I enjoy exploring the outdoors and spending time with my animals.

This summer, I will be managing crews of skilled painters who do high quality exterior paint jobs for an affordable price. Make your house stand out among the area by letting me paint it!

Please give me a call for a FREE ESTIMATE or if you would like to know more at (262)388-5425

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Listing id 55081
Post date March 14, 2018 8:43 AM
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Krystal Hakes
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