Franklin Mint Collector's Plates; Labrador Retriever collection. in Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi

Miscellaneous South Jackson, Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi


They are Limited Editions (45 firing days only), fine porcelain; bordered and numbered by hand in 24k gold. Brand new, in original foam shipping boxes. They are in mint condition as they have never even been out on display.
The first one is "Take Me Home" by artist Nigel Hemming.
The second is "Three To Boot" by artist James Killen.
I have the Certificate of Authenticity for both, but the top half of the Three To Boot one and the outside of the foam boxes are a little dirty from being out in storage.
Asking $45 each or both for $80. Must sell. Would be great Christmas presents.

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Listing id 52040
Post date December 2, 2017 2:56 PM
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Erika Olsen
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