For Sale in Oldham County, Kentucky

Miscellaneous Louisville, Oldham County, Kentucky


For Sale

Mens size 40 waist 29 L Haggar pants, kaiki, black 2pr, and navy. 4 pr heavy duty shorts, $20.00 each pair
.Mens white brief HANES new underwear 6 pk $12.00 and 3 pk. $6.00
Mens shoes 11 and 1/2 new a black and a brown pair, hushpuppies, Leather uppers $20.00 each. . Work boots new Wolverine size 10 1/2 wide, reg 180.00. sell $60.00

Radio flyer jumping horse,$50.00,

self sharpening reel push lawn mower 18" cut $50.00

L.L. Bean toboggan sled with pad $100.00 OBO

Boys size 6 winter boots, and boys black leather dress shoes, size 6 $20.00 each pair OBO one size 12 white oxford boys shirt $4.00 and black size 12 pants $4.00

Yamaha 300 keyboard, stand and earphones $80.00
Casio keyboard with blue case, no stand. $40.00

various glass flower vases $1.00 each, several small pans $1.00 each

7 piece set Gibson Plates, bowls and mugs, green, yellow, and red, all for $60.00
one black rolling backpack, new was $50.00, sell for $20.00
Graco gray and pink booster seat with high back, was $60.00, sell for $30.00, like new.
womens beginner golf clubs, red bag, used. $60.00 OBO
Queen comforter, shams, and sheets, navy blue and plaid like new $50.00
11508 Deham Drive, Lou, Ky 40241 email. [email protected] to respond

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Views 78
Listing id 260857
Post date September 11, 2020 1:37 PM
Last edit September 13, 2020 8:53 PM
Result 0 votes
Denise Korfhage
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