Fixtures or Display items for Retail Store, Craft shows or home storage in Saukville, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

Miscellaneous Town Of Saukville, Saukville, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
100.00 $


Clothing Rack - Heavy weight and adjustable clothing rack - Black metal Frame is 42 1/2" wide x 30" deep
6 arms fit into the 3 uprights in multiple arrangements for display of clothing or other
merchandise at heights of 51" up to 76' high. Heavy Duty casters fit firmly into the frame.
Arms are completely removable for alternate display and/or for easier transport. $25.00

Spinning Racks for display of toys, craft supplies or other items. Each stand has 3 casters and multiple spaces for the removable hook brackets, pole can be separated for easier transport, and can also be used as a stand for the mannequin forms. Two Racks, a total of 10 attachment baskets with hardward for attaching
to poles - $20.00

Molded Plastic Mannequins: Opaque white woman's shirt forms for display of ladies sweaters, jackets, etc. Forms are half round with an open back, and have a double hook for attachment to clothing rack or Spinning rack sold above. Lightweight and stackable for easy transport to craft shows. Total of 4 forms with modesty clothing for attractive display - $ 50.00

Styrofoam Head and Foot Displays: 3 head forms for display of hats, scarves, jewelry, wigs, or other decorating and 4 calf/foot forms for display of socks, slippers among other uses. Opening on bottom
of head forms large enough for dowling for stability or multiple displays. 7 items total - $25.00
(Heads have some pin marks from wig attachment, but otherwise have no damage or breakage)

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Listing id 40325
Post date July 15, 2017 12:30 PM
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