ESTATE YARD SALE SATURDAY JULY 24. 8:00 - 11:00AM in Crestwood, Oldham County, Kentucky

Miscellaneous Crestwood, Crestwood, Oldham County, Kentucky


SATURDAY JULY 24, 8:00AM - 11:00AM
JUST SOME OF THE ITEMS FOR SALE......Signed Art Glass, Collector Glass, 5 VINTAGE WEST GERMAN BEER STEINS, HUNDREDS of vintage records from 1930's -1970's, (albums, 45's, some with jackets, some without, 6 Bill Cosby Albums, Thriller no jacket, Saturday Night Fever, Boston Philharmonic, Fred Waring, Red 1930's children's records, too many to list, etc.), 1940's-1970's Sheet Music, Motorized craft glass grinder, Vintage polished brass 4 pc Fireplace Set, some jewelry, 1970 Realistic speakers and receiver, Bean Casserole pots, Collector Plates (Hummel, Val St Lambert, etc.), Artist & Original Photography Prints, (some signed, Oils, Oil on Board, Watercolors), Matted Original Photography, over 100 Reference Books for Antiques (various categories' of books to include hallmarks, makers, furniture, silver, pottery, Roseville, Heisey, too many to list, etc.), 1920 Porcelain Figurine Mantle Lamp, Centerpiece Art Bowls (Kokomo, Hot Glass), Pueblo Pottery, Amber glass, Czech glass, 1915-1920's Almanacs, Silver Lehman Bros. Tea set with Tray, Rogers Silver Assorted Silverware, Coffee Expresso Machine, 2 U of L signed by team Pennants and a 2013 NCAA Final Four Banner (unsigned), Vintage Suzhou Chinese Reversible Embroidery on Silk (3), Brass Lamp, Vintage Rocker, Small Circle Table, Several 1920 Made in Japan wall pockets, 1890's-1910s advertising, trading and greeting cards, Lg Vintage Paper Mache West German Easter Egg, 2 vintage #699/1000 PHILIP SUGDEN personally signed prints Temples Himalaya's, Lots of collectables, trinkets, etc.

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Listing id 271320
Post date July 23, 2021 2:23 PM
Last edit July 23, 2021 2:25 PM
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Diana Harrington
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