Dustin Pest Control in Fresno, Fresno County, California

Miscellaneous Fresno, Fresno County, California


Dustin Pest Control has spent decades helping homeowners, and businesses in California’s Central Valley with pest control and termite repair. Our founder, Bob Dustin, brings a lifetime of experience to solving these problems for our respected clients. The current company, Dustin Pest Control, has been going strong for over 40 years—and has expanded from a single location in Fresno to 5 locations throughout the Central Valley Area. Today, Bob is retired and relies on a qualified team of next-generation pest control professionals to carry his legacy forward. Ryan Wyatt, Dustin’s general manager, currently handles daily operations for the business. No matter what kind of pests you have or how bad the problem is, Dustin Pest Control is ready to help. Contact us today and get a quote for our services.

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