diggin skuut toddler wood balance bike in topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Southwest, topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas
45.00 $


The Skuut is a wooden bike for children ages 2 - 5. It has no pedals and no training wheels. Children kick off the ground as if running, thus pushing or "skuut-ing" themselves and the bike forward. The Skuut is perfect for learning balance, steering, coordination and independence. Having mastered balance on the Skuut, the transition to a traditional two wheeler bike is easy.

retail $99 and up
good condition. a little scraped seat fabric.

Skuut wooden balance bike for children 2-5.
Kids kick off the ground as if running, pushing or skuuting themselves and the bike forward.
Perfect for learning balance, steering, coordination and independence.
Winner of The Oppenheim Gold Seal, Creative Top Toy of the Year and numerous other awards.

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Listing id 50651
Post date November 12, 2017 8:55 AM
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Eileen Glennon Kean
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