Demonic Genie, or a less Genial Demon in Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado

Miscellaneous Fairgrounds, Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado
80.00 $


Homemade, gently stored, and it doesn't have a ghostly past that would cast you away from aquiring him--- er, I mean, it, I mean, my prized heirloom. It's not small, or light, or fragile, but it's not uncomfortable, and made to last another lifetime. Best thing about it? Its a costume component that draws hella attention, so your trick or treating life is extended incalculably. With a cloak and some stilts, (no heelies advised) your child with scare all others with his/hers wake alone. I probably trick or treated from ages 10-12 with it. I feel like this is a hot item, but I'll accept offers and trades (It needs one eyeball fixed, but I should have that fixed...). Thanks!

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Listing id 245526
Post date September 23, 2019 3:38 AM
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Matt McLellan
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