Craftmatic Bed/Heated and Massage in Gibson, Glascock County, Georgia

Miscellaneous Gibson, Glascock County, Georgia
500.00 $


Is anyone interested in a queen sized Craftmatic bed with heat and vibration? My father recently came to live with me and I must get rid of it to make room for his hospital bed. The bed was only slept on two or three times so it is in like new condition. I payed over $2,000 for it but I'm willing to let it go for $500. I am NOT able to deliver the bed so a time must be scheduled for pick up. I am available to talk about arrangements for the bed any day between 6am - 7pm. If I don't answer leave your name and number so I can give you a call back. SERIOUS INQUERIES ONLY!!

(706) 831-7580 ask for Kathy

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Listing id 265505
Post date January 31, 2021 1:44 PM
Result 0 votes
Kathy Coleman
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