Concession Trailer in Snyder, Comanche, Oklahoma

Miscellaneous In Town, Snyder, Comanche, Oklahoma
14500.00 $


I have a 10x20 Hallmark pull behind concession trailer for sale. It has the triple sink, hand washing sink,fresh water holding, hot water tank, waster water holding,generator, 3 electric counter top steamers, two stainless steel tables, one electric Pepsi soda cooler, a small Silver King refrigerator and a lot of little items such as sandwich wrap and to go containers...this is a great trailer I have passed Heath Department inspection several times and will miss it greatly. I am needing this sold as quickly as possible. Contact phone is 580-919-9246

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Views 127
Listing id 15346
Post date September 13, 2015 11:15 AM
Last edit October 5, 2015 2:05 PM
Result 0 votes
Hailey Hamaker
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