Christmas Dog Treats! in Pratt, Pratt County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Pratt, Pratt County, Kansas
10.00 $


Just in time for the holidays!

Ornaments: Reusable and filled with 30 1" dog bones with 3 different designs available. $8.00 each or 2 for $15.00
Howliday Pack: 1 doz. assorted Christmas treats, decorated. $10.00
Carob-dipped Ginger men: 1 doz. stuffed treats and 1 dozen PB flavored stars. $6.00
*Best Seller* Christmas Dinner bag: 12 oz. bag filled with real dehydrated turkey and sweet potatoes, pumpkin bites and cranberry dog biscuits. $10.00
I can ship (for cost of postal fees) or deliver in town (Pratt).

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Views 111
Listing id 264143
Post date December 10, 2020 9:39 PM
Last edit December 10, 2020 9:40 PM
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Shelly Harris Domann
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