Children's Cake Decorating 1 Course, Starts August 11th @2 pm 4-5 Weeks in Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio

Miscellaneous Square, Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio
80.00 $


Your child learn the basics and begin creating their own works of art through cake! They will learn how to decorate a cake from beginning to end for $16 a class and decorate their own cake in the last class.

Week 1 we will be covering piping bag assembly, basic piping, borders and writing , and making and adjusting decorator's buttercream

Week 2 we will be working on different flowers types including roses, class the will continue flowers, do a borders and writing review , large swirl flower technique and possibly more but we will probably run it if time there

Week 3 will review all learned skills then we will start learning to make flowers, including roses.

Week 4 is usually the last session. Children's classes may run an extra week if they need more of my time. I like to work with them until they have successfully mastered the concept. Once they get the concept down, the rest is all about practice. If an extra class is needed, week 4 will be spent honing in on the skills that need further attention.

The last class you will be decorating an entire cake on your own, putting together all of your newly learned skills and learning to flat ice. They will each receive a certificate as well.

Every time I teach this class it's an absolute blast. I just finished teaching the students at Metzenbaum or MRDD, every one did a wonderful job and learned a lot. Keep in mind everyone learns at their own pace often I have students who need to go ahead while others need some extra one on one time, this is no problem and can be addressed in class easily. Anyone needing additional help on the covered skills is welcome to schedule time with me for free. I want my students to learn and be happy and confident. At the same time, keep in mind these are techniques that require practice and are perfected through repeated trials. Everyone can do this! I promise!

You will need to purchase a starter kit, they are about $14.99 on Amazon (right now there is a clip and save coupon which will save 5%). I can order it for you is you can not order it. Payment will be due before I place the order. The kit contains everything your child will need including the turntable! The only thing the kit is missing is the rose nail, I will be happy to purchase one for your child when it is time.

The link to order is:

I will supply the practice boards, icing, bowls, spoons, parchment paper, etc, including the baked cake for the last session. I also occasionally have some treats for the class as they work. Please alert me to any food allergy.

I prefer one parent or guardian to stay for the duration of each session for children under 13.

I will be contacting you by email shortly after registration. Thank you and I truly look forward to working with your child.

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Post date July 27, 2019 2:43 AM
Last edit July 27, 2019 2:45 AM
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