Chain Link Dog Kennel and Dog House in Juneau, Juneau, Alaska

Miscellaneous Mendenhall Valley, Juneau, Juneau, Alaska
400.00 $


We used this kennel and dog house for about six months (all summer) before a new job allowed our dog to come to work, so we don't need this anymore. It's a very sturdy kennel, with three sides that are 6'x10' chain link and one side (the one with the gate) that is 6'x6'. We are including the dog house, which would work well for a pretty large dog.

The materials for the fence were about $500 and the dog house was another $100. We'll even throw in the remaining chain link fence fabric (I think about 20'x6') in case you want to expand the kennel.

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Listing id 28954
Post date March 5, 2016 4:21 AM
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David Purdy
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