Bulk purchase. Tons of items included. in Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi

Miscellaneous Saucier, Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi
800.00 $


Will accept Venmo payment or cash. Desperately need gone asap! Message for all pictures of included items. This is a bulk purchase and all MUST GO!! Way more leaving than what's pictured. Massive variety of items.

There are tons of items available. Pool supplies, tons of clothes (over 400 pieces), dishes, car 305 parts, furniture items, walker, shower chair, other car parts, DVD/Blu-ray player, car radios, speakers, dryer, bed rails, large shelving unit custom made, tons of books, bags, purses, custom jewelry, go kart parts, pictures, picture frames, computers components, girl toys, large dresser mirror, 2 TV stands, formal gown, name brand coats, rabbit fur coat, shoes and more. The more I add, the more the price will go up. Perfect for people who sale at flea markets, thrift stores/consignment shops.

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Views 485
Listing id 276370
Post date January 26, 2022 10:58 AM
Last edit January 26, 2022 11:02 AM
Result 0 votes
Jen Jones
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