Breyer's Models in Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi

Miscellaneous South Jackson, Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi


I have a few Breyer's model horses for sale. The horses themselves are all in mint condition. They are new in box and have never been removed from the cardboard backing. The boxes are all original, but are dirty from being in storage. Wahoo King and calf set; Stardust's boxes also have some damage to the back, but the models are still attached to the original the backing they came on and remain untouched. MUST SELL.

#1129 Rhett Limited Collector's Edition.
A glossy charcoal grey five gaited horse.

#3354 Wahoo King Roping Horse with calf set.
A sorrel paint roping horse with black calf.

#1146 Stardust Unicorn Stallion
A running unicorn stallion. Pearl with silver accents and a blue with stars hind quarters.

These were bought new between 1996 and 2001. They were well over $45 each. E-Bay prices are higher than I'm asking for the condition they are in..

$30 each or $75 for all 3. Will consider reasonable offers.

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Listing id 52038
Post date December 2, 2017 2:46 PM
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Erika Olsen
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