Brand new guitar for a super good price in Athens, Athens, Ohio

Miscellaneous Ohio University, Athens, Athens, Ohio
150.00 $


condition: new
make / manufacturer: Recording King
model name / number: 150190740059

I bought this guitar on 9/915 at Blue Eagle Music in Athens, Ohio. I paid $240 for it. Since then it has been sitting in it's case for most of that time. I'm a college student and I just don't have time to play it and I need the money. So basically you're getting a brand new $240 guitar for $150. This is a great deal. If I had more time, I would sell it for more but I need the money so I'm selling it for cheap. I have the receipt from when I bought it too.

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Views 67
Listing id 32824
Post date April 13, 2016 10:33 PM
Result 0 votes
Anthony Suszczynski
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