Bikes & Parts in McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon

Miscellaneous McMinnville, McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon


Bikes and parts for sale. Mostly 20 inch. Too much to list everything. Wheels, frames and miscellaneous parts.

Entertaining all reasonable offers. Text me with your wants/needs.
- 1992 Robinson SST (incomplete, some dents, bent fork)
- Murray (?) cantilever frame, unknown year but old
- 1980's Schwinn Predator frame, unknown fork (incomplete)
- 1993-ish Mongoose Expert frame & fork (needs refinish, rust, poor chrome)
- 1990's Mongoose Outer Limit (?) built with Wal-Mart Mongoose parts
- 1995-ish Redline RL-440 frame & fork (some dents, incomplete)
- Girls Bratz bike, stripped down, bent seat post
- 1987 Diamondback rebuilt ($200)
- 1999 Dyno VFR (needs grips)
- 1980's PK Ripper Mini (17" top tube, broken seat tube, needs frame repair)
- 2010 Wal-Mart Hyper (good condition)
- 1990's Redline RL-340 (?) frame (needs paint)
- 1990's Trek 20" bike (fair condition)
- 1990-ish Dyno Compe (incomplete, some dents, needs refinished)
- and more...
No delivery/shipping available, must make arrangements to pick up.
Text only please @ 971-237-8020

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Listing id 1064
Post date December 11, 2014 2:26 PM
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