Antique 1940 Welder in Truth or Consequences, Sierra County, New Mexico

Miscellaneous Truth or Consequences, Sierra County, New Mexico
175.00 $


This is an antiques 1940 welder collector item for sale for $175, built extremely sturdy, like strong as steel literally. It has been kept in a shop its entire life. I can't tell you much about it because my father became very ill. I'm not sure about the manufacturer, I think it could be a Westinghouse but please forgive my lack of knowledge, It likely only needs new hoses; and although there is a dent in the left side, my dad did use it for welding. The internal is simply but durably made. It still has a welding rod in the rod holding end (pictured). The dimension measurements are 45" h x 24" w x 24" d. This has had one owner for many, many, years & my dad could likely be the original owner. It does not come with any welding tanks and is sold "AS IS, cash only" sale. The canvas covering currently on it belongs to something else so will stay here once someone comes for the welder. You must pick it up in Truth or Consequences and have a way to get it lifted onto a vehicle for it weighs about 500 pounds. I cannot help because I am physically disabled or else I would, so am sorry for this inconvenience. I must remind that this is a very heavy collector item. Serious inquiries only please.

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Listing id 258351
Post date July 22, 2020 5:28 PM
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