Acorn 180 stairway chair lift in Grafton, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

Miscellaneous Grafton, Grafton, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
6000.00 $


Bought new 8/1/2020. Excellent condition. The rails go up about 7 stairs make a right turn on a landing, make another right turn and go up another 7 stairs.

The unit cost $11,300 installed. If the rails need extensions the company would charge about $2,000 to make the modifications and do the installation.

I'll consider any offer. The chairlift is at my sister's house in Crown Point, Indiana but I can provided detailed videos of the chair working and exact specifications

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Views 335
Listing id 267231
Post date April 21, 2021 1:48 PM
Result 0 votes
Bob Nelson
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