2003 14 ft. Food Concession trailer in Reno County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Reno County, Kansas
18000.00 $


Serious inquiries only. Thank you! Please PM for contact information.

2003 14 ft. Fibrecore self-contained Concession Trailer in EXCELLENT Condition. It is equipped with all the following items, all in working order! This is an all-electric trailer which allows for you to set up inside or outside! This unit is ready to make you money!
Two Gold Medal Electric Fryers: One King Nine fryer for fries, onion rings, pies or anything fried. The other a King Dog for corn dogs twelve at a time, on-stick items.
Stainless steel overhead exhaust fan.
Two well Duke Thurmaduke Steam Table with pans and lids.
Vollrath eighteen hundred watt Electric Grill.
Fifty inch True Cooler - stainless steel top, front & sides.
Commercial coffee maker, two tea urns, two infused drink urns, nacho chip warmer, El Grande nacho cheese machine, nemco heat lamp, ketchup, mustard, mayo machines.
Stainless Steel deep drawn triple sink with deep bowls with stainless steel cover. Cutting Board, Separate Hand Sink
Six gallon Hot Water Heater, with Electric pump.
Thirty gallon fresh water tank, forty five gallon waste tank.
Eight food item flags and holders on top of the trailer.
It has a removable Hitch, Fiberglass trailer, tandem thirty five hundred lb. Torsion Axles. Electric Brakes.
Three Awning Openings with plexiglass Window Inserts. Complete Set of Screens with five Service Openings.
Laminated Fiberglass Counters with overhead shelving.
Two Double four foot fluorescent covered light fixtures.
Lighted Awning and Stainless Fold-out Counter on drivers side.
One Fire Extinguisher, One fifty amp Extension Cord
Thirteen thousand five hundred BTU Roof Mounted Coleman Air-Conditioner with heat strip.
Fender well inserts to cover tires and canvas skirting.
Four stabilizer jacks. Spare tire.The tires have very few miles on them.
For an added two thousand dollars. I would be willing to sell this trailer with a spot location at the Kansas State Fair which starts the Friday after Labor Day for ten income producing days. Please email with any questions [email protected]. Thanks

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Listing id 237038
Post date April 20, 2019 9:50 AM
Last edit April 20, 2019 10:29 AM
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