Loving Couple Looking to Adopt in Stone, Mississippi

In Search Of Stone, Mississippi
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My friends are looking to make their dream of adopting come true. . They are a loving couple with steady jobs. I can't imagine how hard of a decision some women might be facing right now. I can assure you your child would be loved and have alot of support. They are even open to a semiopen adoption. If you or someone you know is looking for an adoptive family for their precious one please email me or click the link below. They are opening to accepting children under the age of 8 therefore if a mom thought she was able to raise her baby but has since thought about adoption please let us know. They have previously been foster parents but got their heart broken; therefore, they are looking for parents who want a better life for their child before their child gets into the system. No scams please. No international emails please.https://www.facebook.com/hopingtoadoptpinkorblue/

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Listing id 24959
Post date January 14, 2016 9:23 PM
Result 0 votes
Sarah Merritt
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