looking for local gearheads and a master mechanic/fabricator in Torrance, New Mexico

In Search Of Torrance, New Mexico
1.00 $


y. Im looking for people who like drifting/stunting but mostly need a master mechanic or fabricator to be lead engineer for a gearhead club im trying to get started in the east mountains/moriarty area. Projects ranging from custom motor swaps to drift cars, stunt bikes, jet skis, mud trucks, and whatever else seems fun and crazy this wont be a "shiny paint and big money" sort of thing more like a "nitro circus for poor kids". Several running cars are in the lineup already as well as a bunch of projects needing an expert mind involved. I have a shop with a good size compressor and a decent 220 MIG welder as well as some tools and a couple of "in ground" pits to get around the need for lifts or huge jack stands. The starting pay for this would be 0$ but i can offer free beer and cigarettes if thats appealing and you will get access to the finished/running projects as well as my private drift track (dirt track right now). Mostly just needing the knowledge i have other people interested in the gearhead club idea to do most of the hands on work with the direction of someone more experienced but of course some things need the expert touch. Anyone interested in the lead engineer position or just wanting to get involved reply via email with your name and description of your experience with custom mechanics/modification. Im sure there are plenty of us out here with the same vision lets give this idea some direction and make it happen!!

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Listing id 32672
Post date April 12, 2016 11:52 AM
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