International Student Exchange in Itawamba, Mississippi

In Search Of Itawamba, Mississippi
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Will you consider hosting an International Exchange Student? We are looking for families to open their hearts and homes to students for the 2015-2016 (or beyond) school season. We have students from all over the world!

It is so much easier than you think it is!! You provide a loving home, a place to sleep/study and meals. Students come with their own insurance and spending money (school lunch, shopping). What a great opportunity for your family!
I am the local coordinator and live near Collierville.

International Student Exchange ( is a non-profit organization that has been offering personalized programs to international students, host families and volunteers for more than 30 years. ISE is one of the most respected and highest quality youth exchange organizations in the world.

There is no such thing as a typical host family! Single-parent families, retired couples, families with young children, as well as those with teenagers or who are empty-nesters have all had successful hosting experiences.

It is only through the kindness and generosity of families like yours that these young ambassadors will be able to fulfill their dreams!

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Listing id 5431
Post date May 7, 2015 4:37 PM
Result 0 votes
Linda Mincy Taylor
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