houseboat to rent in Allamakee County, Iowa

In Search Of Allamakee County, Iowa


Looking to explore the Upper Mississippi in July -August 2018.
Made myself a retirement promise to really live on the river for 4-6 weeks and visit old friends along the way from Lake Pepin to Keokuk. Just dont need to own a boat when my trip is over .

Id like to rent a reliable yet modest houseboat. I dont need bells and whistles, just a trustworthy engine, a place to lay my head at night and some space to cook, enjoy the view and entertain a friend or two along the way.

Perhaps you tried to sell your boat last year or wont be using it and could enjoy some income from it.
Im a 62 year old retired fisheries professional with 3 decades of river experience and knowledge. I am an experienced navigator, mechanically adept, and responsible. Will post insurance or make security deposit to protect your boat.

Looking to gently use a sound craft. I'm flexible.
Want to set sail in mid summer , would like to have an arrangement secured by June.
Please write me at kurtontheriver or call me at 608-622-0382. Thanks !

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Views 617
Listing id 53844
Post date January 28, 2018 4:16 PM
Result 0 votes
kurt welke
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