Help help 1998 Red Dodge Ram 1500 in Johnson City, Stanton County, Kansas

In Search Of Johnson City, Stanton County, Kansas
123.00 $


Help help help help please! Looking for my old truck that I had in high school that was sold a couple times since I owned it. I have tracked it to Johnson, KS. I want to try to purchase the truck or just to see if it's still running. It was my 1st truck bought it brand new and had to sell it when I had a son, couldn't afford it. If anyone could help out or has any info, I would be so grateful and even give a couple hundred for any leads to the truck. Message me or text 5083306816. It is easy to notice, it is lifted with big tires. I have the VIN number, interested in the truck in any condition.

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Listing id 253690
Post date April 15, 2020 7:18 PM
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Karina Kellar
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