Wood Hand Painted Holiday Signs in Kingston, Kitsap, Washington

Household Kingston, Kitsap, Washington
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These are hand painted Christmas holiday signs made from salvaged maple and bamboo flooring. They are painted with chalk paint and acrylic and are inspired by vintage rustic holiday style. Signs can be hung inside or outdoors, but should stay out of rain and other elements that can add to wear and tear.Holly Jolly and Merry and Bright signs measure 15.5 inches high, 10 inches wide, .75 inches thick and asking $30.00 each. Peace wall hanging is 12.5 inches high, 20 inches long, 1 inch thick and asking $25.00. Santa painting is 30 inches high, 20 inches wide,.75 inches thick and asking $95.00. Distressed Peace wall hanging is 10 inches high, 11 inches wide, 1 inch thick and asking $20.00.

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Listing id 22062
Post date December 7, 2015 4:35 PM
Last edit December 9, 2015 10:51 AM
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Kristin Quail-Mahin
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