Window washing in New Mexico

Household New Mexico
100.00 $


Hello everyone! Glade, with KD Cleaning LLC, here yet again to offer our amazing services to those who have windows that need to be washed!

We wash not only residential, but commercial businesses, solar panels, and skylights. The chemicals we use are eco and pet friendly, plus create a weather proof coating that lasts about 6 months, so we aren't every week washing your windows and saves you time and effort!

For a free quote and more information, hit me up either on Messenger or call or text 505-800-3188!


*I'm currently using a Google Chromebook and my space is sadly limited, so this is a link to all photos and videos I have from the jobs that I've been to. Thanks for bearing with me!

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Listing id 251879
Post date February 17, 2020 3:33 PM
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